Bicycle trip and wine tasting at Fertő-táj
Name of the tour: Bicycle trip and wine tasting at Fertő-táj
Region: Fertő cultural landscape
Distance: 45 km
Duration: 2 days
Difficulty: medium
Bicycle type: touring bike
Our first cycle tour start at the outskirts of Sopron, before which we may take a walk along the streets of the inner city. Taking the cycle path, we head towards the very cosy Tómalom in the vicinity of Sopronkőhida, where we may take a swim at the lovely beach of the natural bathing water site. The next stop is Fertőrákos, which attracts tourists with its historical and geological values. In addition to a famous movie venue, the quarry, we may also visit a medieval pillory in its original state. The mine, which draws nearly two hundred thousand people each year, is located in the north of the municipality. According to geologists, Leitha limestone formed in the Miocene epoch, about 12 million years ago, and was already mined by the Romans, even for the construction of Scarbantia’s walls, the antedecent of Sopron.
Afterwards, we bike to Balf, famous for its thermal bath and mineral water. Balf is a major settlement of Fertőtáj, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is a flagship grape and wine-production site in the Sopron wine region. There are individual producers consuming and selling their own red wines in almost every house. After tasting ‘sunlight in a bottle’ at Enikő Luka’s wine cellar, we return to our starting point in Sopron.

On the second day, our cycling tour focuses on the birds of Lake Fertő and we start at Esterházy Castle in Fertőd. Fertőd came into the possession of the Esterházy family in the second half of the 17th century. They are also responsible for the impressive Esterházy castle, the most famous sight of the town. As leader of the family’s orchestra, Joseph Haydn Austrian composer lived here for two decades.
After taking a walk in the exquisite castle garden, we head to Nyárliget. Cycling the lowland-type landscape, we soon reach the Austrian border, and the settlement of Pamhagen, or Pomogy in Hungarian. A very well-known animal park and Pannónia leisure park are attractive tourist destinations. We encounter saline lakes and truly rural sights, until we cross Seewinkel, or in Hungarian, Tószög. The bird population here is incredibly rich. Don’t be surprised if a female greylag goose passes by with her young ones on the bicycle road - in single file! We must pass by with due care, as priority is given to wildlife in this specially protected area. We head on over to Sarród and Mekszikópuszta, back to Hungary, visiting another significant bird habitat. For years now, experts from the Fertő-Hanság National Park have been doing effective habitat reconstruction, the results of which are there for everyone to see. Our next stop is the settlement of Sarród, once the center of local fishing with a port, although it is difficult to imagine this now. What we can see with our own eyes is the largest building of Central Europe with a thatched roof, the center of the National Park, Kócsagvár. It is the largest thatched-roofed building of Hungary and Central Europe.
The center regularly hosts conservation events, exhibitions and conferences. One of the main locations of the forest school programs organized by the national park is Kócsagvár, but the guest rooms are also available for cyclers. The starting point of our tour, Fertőd, and the wine tasting is just a stone’s throw away.

Participation fee: 29.900.- plus wine tasting
Contact: Kovács Attila +36307915306