Cycling in Sopron and bird-watching at Fertő
Name of the tour: Cycling in Sopron and bird-watching at Fertő
Region: Sopron-Fertő cultural landscape
Distance: 62.5 km by bicycle, 6 km on foot.
Duration: 2 days
Difficulty: medium
Bicycle type: touring bike
The first day, we leave on a spectacular Lake Fertő cycle tour from Fertőd, encounter beautiful landscapes and complete the ‘small tour’ via a bypass route, by taking a ferry over the lake. Leaving the town in a western direction, we pass through Fertőszéplak to Hegykő, famous for its thermal bath. From here, we head to Fertőrákos through Fertőhomok and Hidegség. In addition to the medieval pillory, we can visit the quarry that is of a spectacular geological value. Afterwards, we head to the local border, but first visit the temple dedicated to the Roman god Mithras at Fertőrákos.
It is a former place of worship of the mystery religion linked to the cult of Mithras. Located in Fertő-Hanság National Park, it is in a cultural landscape on the list of UNESCO’s world heritage site. The sacred edifice covered by a protecting building is a unique treasure, as there are only four such places in Hungary.
On the eastern and southern side, the north and south facing building has naturally formed rock walls, while the rest are of stone.
Upon crossing the border, we reach Fertőmeggyes. After passing through the wonderful little town, we cycle to the ferry on the pier, cross Fertő Lake and dock at Illmizt. Our next stop is the Hungarian border southwards at Pomogy. We ride to where we started the tour, Fertőd, on a new cycle road just inaugurated, and if the group wishes to, take a walk in the castle garden.
Daily distance by bicycle: 62,5 km

Birdwatching and solar-powered boat cruise at Lake Fertő:
Lake Fertő is a unique habitat for birds. From spring to autumn, the bird life is rich in the rocks and reeds, of which we can observe those species that live and nest here. When autumn arrives, special wanderers from Scandinavia and Siberia arrive. The landscape of Fertő-táj is a real pilgrimage destination for birdwatchers with 350 of the 450 bird species of Europe found here. The tour starts at dawn, with pleasant weather even in the summer. We make our way to the rocky lakes near Fertő. From spring to end of summer, we may encounter ground squirrels peeping out of their holes near grazing cakiel sheep while birdwatching.
Tour operators provide participants with high-quality KOWA binoculars. Even in the afternoon, we stay close to the water - hopping on a horse-drawn carriage at Kócsagvár, we sail to the open waters of Lake Fertő on the solar boat of Fertő-Hanság National Park. The birdwatching continues during the trip on open waters.

Participation fee: 44.900.-
Contact: Tisler Diana +36702298483