Zemplén - Felső-Tisza cycling area Nyírség Heritage Tour - FT1

length 75 km
339 m
334 m

The tour takes you through Southern Nyírség, taking in the region’s high-calibre attractions in turn. The Historic Sites Heritage Tour passes through the landscapes and monumental sites of the Nyírség, touching the borders of the Partium and the Hajdú region. The tour crosses the Southern Nyírség from Nyíregyháza to Nagykároly (Romania), from Nyírbátor to Debrecen. The heritage sites covered by the heritage tour are the most important heritage sites in the Carpathian Basin, and the route connects the region’s major attractions.

We are following in the footsteps of the Báthori, Kállay and Károlyi families, who shaped the architectural heritage and history of this region. In addition to the late Gothic and early Renaissance churches and castle of Nyírbátor, the wonderful shrine of Máriapócs, the Kállay Mansion in Kállósemjén, the Károlyi Castle in Nagykároly and the marshland in Bátorliget are worth visiting. Nyíregyháza and Debrecen, the start and end points of the tour, are two major railway junctions. Between Nyíregyháza and Nagykároly, cycle paths have been built in small sections, so in one case the route is on dirt roads, but mostly on low-traffic side roads. Between Nyírbátor and Debrecen, however, you can cycle for 50 kilometers on a cycle path. You should book accommodation in Nyírbátor for both nights. The suggested route for the first day is Nyíregyháza-Nagykálló-Kállósemjén-Pócspetri-Máriapócs-Ófehértó (optional)-Nyírgyulaj-Nyírbátor. If you are planning a three-day tour, the suggested route for the second day is Nyírbátor-Nyírvasvári-Terem-Bátorliget-Vállaj-Csanálos-Nagykároly-Kaplony-Nagykároly-Vállaj-Terem-Nyírvasvári-Nyírbátor. The route for the last day: Nyírbátor-Nyírbogát-Nyírgelse-Nyírmihálydi-Nyíradony-Hajdúsámson-Debrecen.

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